Kili For Kids


We all become a part of what we have met in our life’s path. The world is full of adventure and surprise, but also full of challenges and obstacles. By entering into the world confidently, by being tested and rising to meet challenges, we can overcome our limitations and become the person we were meant to be. Only by first changing ourselves, can we change the world for the better. Our team members, women from all over the world are phenomenal: brave, strong, determined, funny, optimistic and persistent. Together at every climb they overcome fears, climb the mountain and defeat any obstacles to reach the ultimate goal: to protect the children of the world from injustice and suffering. There are so many incredible Lions projects that make children’s lives better. The Kili4Kids – Kind International Lions Initiative project aims at raising money for schools in underdeveloped area’s in the world. In cooperation with our Lions Clubs International Foundation the Kili4Kids team and the Kili4Kids ambassadors raise US$ 100.000 every year to build a school in the country where we climb the mountain.
Lion Inna Flaga
Founder & Team leader

Board Members

Inna Flaga

Inna Flaga

Founder& team leader Kili for kids
Euro Asia Committee Board
Elisabeth Haderer

Elisabeth Haderer

Past International Director

Our Story

Lion Inna Flaga
Founder & Team leader
In 2019 I celebrated my 10th anniversary of active membership in Lions Club International; a membership that I am so proud of and hold very close to my heart. Being a Lion for all these years has taught me how important it is to help others in need and to fulfill my obligation and promise to Serve. I truly believe this is the very core value that had attracted me to become a Lion. As Lions “We Serve” in many ways. I feel a deep sense of pride within myself as I silently and publicly support other Lions in their endeavors. As a testament to my service, I have stepped out of my comfort zone and initiated a new Lions Project and named it “KILI for kids” that stands for “Kind International Lions Initiative”. The idea of the project is to challenge ourselves to climb mountains while raising money to build schools for children in poor regions of the world. The” Kili for Kids” team consists of female Lions from all over the world. Each member we will be covering their expensive for the trip; including gear, lodging, food and organizational expenses associated with the expeditions. I have chosen this challenging endeavor as a way to help others, as the ultimate goal will be to raise money for the suffering children in the world. They are in desperate need of financial help for health care, food and education of which they are being severely deprived of right now. With my new goal in life, I ask for your support. Together we can change these children’s lives. As for me this will be my biggest challenge in my life so far. Before my first expedition I had never climbed a mountain in my life and yet I promised to myself, that no matter how hard it would be, no matter the obstacles, I Would GET TO THE TOP! Knowing in my mind and soul that you are supporting me, that the children need me, gives me much strength. So, please join me and make a difference in a child’s life by donating any amount, because every donation, even small ones count. While on my journey I will keep in mind that we are Lions and “Step by Step We Serve”. I am convinced that with you on my side supporting this cause, we can reach this peak together.

Our partners

Michael Haegele

Michael Haegele

Photographer & Director
Billy Michels

Billy Michels

Renato Carlo Sambugaro

Renato Carlo Sambugaro

Team Doctor
Ciprian Iosep

Ciprian Iosep

Captain of Ambassador team